Developer guide

In this section we report some general guidelines for contributing to PAOS development.

The section is inspired by the package ExoSim2.0.

Coding conventions

The PAOS code has been developed following the PeP8 standard and the python Zen.

import this
The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters

Beautiful is better than ugly.
Explicit is better than implicit.
Simple is better than complex.
Complex is better than complicated.
Flat is better than nested.
Sparse is better than dense.
Readability counts.
Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules.
Although practicality beats purity.
Errors should never pass silently.
Unless explicitly silenced.
In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.
There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.
Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you're Dutch.
Now is better than never.
Although never is often better than *right* now.
If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a bad idea.
If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea.
Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those!


Every PAOS function or class should be documented using docstrings which follow numpydoc structure. This web page is written using the reStructuredText format, which is parsed by sphinx. If you want to contribute to this documentation, please refer to sphinx documentation first. You can improve this pages by digging into the docs directory in the source.


Unit-testing is very important to make sure that each code addition is tested and validated and the code never breaks. This shall be provided after PAOS v1.0.0.


To keep a logger is very important when coding, hence we include a paos.log.logger.Logger class to inherit.

import paos.log as log

class MyClass(log.Logger):

This newly created class has the logging methods from the main Logger class. Here are some examples of how to use them:"info message")
self.debug("debug message")
self.warning("warning message")
self.error("error message")
self.critical("critical message")

The logger output will be printed on the run or stored in the log file, if the log file option is enabled. To enable the log file, the user can refer to paos.log.addLogFile.


The logger implemented in PAOS is inspired by the logging classes in ExoSim2.0, which is originally inspired by the ones in TauREx3 (developed by Ahmed Al-Refaie).

The user can also set the level of the printed messaged using paos.log.setLogLevel, or enable or disable the messaged with paos.log.enableLogging or paos.log.disableLogging

Versioning conventions

The versioning convention used (after PAOS v1.0.0) shall be the one described in Semantic Versioning (semver) and shall be compliant to PEP440 standard. In the X.Y.Z scheme, for each modification to the previous release we increase one of the numbers.

  • X

    increased only if the code in not compatible anymore with the previous version. This is considered a Major change.

  • Y

    increased for minor changes. These are for the addition of new features that may change the results from previous versions. This are still hard edits, but not enough to justify the increase of an X.

  • Z

    the patches. This number should increase for any big fixed, or minor addition or change to the code. It won’t affect the user experience in any way.

Source Control

The code is hosted on GitHub ( and structured as following.

The source has two main branches:

  • main

    branch for stable and releases. It is the public branch and should be handled carefully.

  • develop

    working branch where the new features are tested before they are moved to the master branch

Adding new features

New features can be added to the code following the schemes designed above.

If the contributor has writing rights to the repository, should create a new branch starting from the develop one. In the new feature branch the user should produce the new functionalities, according to the above guidelines. When the feature is ready, the branch can be merged into the official develop one.

To create the new feature starting from the current develop version, the contributor should run

$ git checkout develop
$ git checkout -b feature/<branchname>

The completed feature shall then be merged to the develop:

$ git checkout develop
$ git merge feature/<branchname>
$ git push

Once a feature is completed and merged, the contributor should archive the branch and remove it, to keep the repository clean. The usual procedure is:

$ git tag archive/<branchname> feature/<branchname>
$ git push --tags
$ git branch -d feature/<branchname>

Remember to delete the branch also from the remote repository. If needed, the feature branch can be restored as

$ git checkout -b <branchname> archive/<branchname>

If the contributor does not have writing rights to the repository, should use the Fork-and-Pull model. The contributor should fork the main repository and clone it. Then the new features can be implemented. When the code is ready, a pull request can be raised.


Fig. 32 Forking and pulling